1st post of 2009!
It’s been a LONG while! Well, it had been a busy Christmas, my hubby & I worked through the New Year and now we having the Lunar New Year coming up next Monday! Gosh… I need a holiday from all the holidays!
Found time to start a new project at the beginning of the year, though. More updates when it gets closer to a better shape to be shown! 😀 And I also indulged a ‘little’ online retail therapy, which arrived last week!
Over the Christmas period, I managed to sew up a few made-with-love (read: wonky sewing) items for some special people.
Remember the cupcakes fabrics? I made the crayon wallet for a friend’s little girl since it was such a big hit with Benji :> I LOVE LOVE LOVE how sweet this wallet turned out.

For another creative little 3 YO, I made the crayon wallet with the scraps from Gram’s Fairy Tale baby quilt and it turned out perfect (in my opinion! :p)
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