Rotary Cutters Illustrated (er… filmed?) – UPDATED*
I have about 8 Rotary cutters in my collection. From cutting circles, wave/pinking patterns, to using different sizes for different types of projects, etc. Through the 45mm family of cutters, I explain how each cutter is used and discuss the ease of replacing/changing the blades.
Pardon the background ‘noise’ as my boy was playing with his lego bricks nearby.
The cast:
1) Wave cutter: WAC-2
2) 45mm Rotary Cutter: RTY-2/G
3) 45mm Deluxe Rotary Cutter: RTY-2/DX
4) 45mm Quick-Change Rotary Cutter: RTY-2/NS
If the player is acting up, you can click here to view the video too.
*UPDATED 22nd Aug 2011
In the video, I mentioned that the 45mm cutters can use either the straight and decorative blades interchangeably. But upon scrutiny of the packaging of the cutters, there are some cutters that will take either type of blade, or both.
1) Wave cutter: WAC-2 (Can use ALL decorative blades – no indication that straight blade RB45 is supported)
2) 45mm Rotary Cutter: RTY-2/G (Only straight blade RB45 recommended)
3) 45mm Deluxe Rotary Cutter: RTY-2/DX (Supports Straight Blade RB45, Wave blade & Pinking blade)
4) 45mm Quick-Change Rotary Cutter: RTY-2/NS (only straight blade RB45 recommended)
If the player is acting up, you can click here to view the video too.
If you have any questions about usage/price/availability with regards to the above, please let me know!
Happy crafting!
Thank you for sharing this. It’s very helpful video on rotary cutters
thank you for sharing this!

but, can you please tell me where can i buy those rotary cutters in singapore? thank you very much!