For the boys…
May has a nice sort of buzz. Busy sort of ‘buzz’… In the past weeks, we have been blessed with many happy occasions: birthdays, arrivals of babies, news of soon-to-arrive babies, new opportunities, etc. I don’t know, but I felt these personal feel-good events countered the negativities covered in the press: the economy, swine-flu, AWARE tussle, etc…
Hubby and I also made some plans to move forward with our ‘hobby site’ which he set-up in the late ’90s, servicing the Beanie babies crazed online community. The idea of a ‘baby gift ideas site’ has been tossed around for the LONGEST time, given that we are such ‘big’ consumers of baby items/gifts and I felt that the parents in SG are quite shortchanged in terms of cost and variety.
More updates about THE PLAN coming up soon, I hope ;>
In the mean time, I’m caught in a bit of a ‘quilting funk’ which I can’t seem to shake off. So, I made
more of these:

If you are interested in getting one of these fabric wallets for a special little chap, each costs SGD$18 (comes with 8 Crayola non-toxic crayons + 1x100sheet memo pad). Please add $2 if you prefer Crayola non-toxic WASHABLE crayons.