Baby Quilt Top Done! Yaay!
Phew! My Gram’s Fairy Tale baby quilt is done! I bought this kit from ages ago, and I’ve been progressing slowly with it for a long long while. I mentioned this quilt previously in a post here.

I dug it out of cold storage and started working on it again. The tedious bit was joining the triangles that made up the outer borders and joining them to the main body required some concentration – matching points, making sure that the points don’t get cut off, easing in, etc…
Amanda Jean inspired me to work on this baby quilt with her Theme of the week. Although I’m a couple of days late in delivering this baby, there’s nothing for me to lose as the top is now completed! :>
The instructions are clear and easy to follow and I do love the blocks and the fairy tale prints. I’m looking forward to basting and quilting than the Queen-sized Star QAL one :p
Sorry for the poor lighting again. Took this picture at around 3am in the morning when I put in the last stitch in the border. Well, the title of my blog is MIDNIGHT CRAFTS indeed! ;>