Sewing space re-work ideas
My sewing space took on many changes over the past years – from sewing on a tiny Ikea table in my bedroom to a more generous space in our loft. For the past few weeks, hubby and I have been cracking our heads trying to re-jig the sewing space configuration again to make things work a little better for me. We thumbed through our Ikea catalogs, browsed the website, and drew and sketched. We really got to a point where I told hubby to go buy a circular saw and make us our furniture from now on! Anyway, we managed to draft a solution – and we’ll take a few more measurements before we order the drawers and worktop. In my ‘research’, I found Jan’s video. Her quilting space is AMAZING! I absolutely love the table, her space/view outside her house, her husband’s woodwork and the clever quilt display frame! I pulled my man over to watch this video with me and he could totally relate to Jan’s words like ‘I work so that I can go buy material’ and the cameraman’s “you have more stuff than walmart!’. After the video, hubby proclaimed that he would set-up a woodwork shop in the garage, grow his hair long, and build everything we need when he retires.
So, how do you orgainse your sewing space or room?